《用户服务协议(User Service Agreement)》更新公告

《用户服务协议(User Service Agreement)》更新公告
为向您提供更好的服务和更优的客户体验,我们对 《用户服务协议(User Service Agreement)》进行了更新,对部分事项进行了细化和说明。

User Service Agreement
本用户服务协议(以下简称“本协议”)是支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司(以下简称“支付宝”或“我们”)与您签署的,就您通过支付宝客户端使用符合约定银行卡进行消费支付所订立的有效合约。请您仔细阅读本协议( 特别是字体加粗部分)。如您对本协议内容及页面提示信息有疑问,请勿进行下一步操作,您可通过支付宝的客服电话95188进行咨询,以便我们为您解释和说明。 如您通过网络页面点击确认或以我们认可的其他方式选择接受本协议的,即表示您与支付宝已达成本协议并同意接受本协议的全部约定内容。本协议同时以中、英文书写,如内容不一致或有异议的,以中文文本为准。
This User Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as this “Agreement”) is entered into by and between Alipay.com Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Alipay” or “we” or “us” or “our”) and you. This Agreement is a valid agreement in connection with your payment by agreed bank card via Alipay App. Please read this Agreement carefully ( especially the parts highlighted in bold). If you have any questions in respect of anything hereof or any information noted on the page, please do not proceed to the next step. You may make an inquiry by calling our customer service hotline 95188 for further explanation and interpretation.  You will be deemed to have entered into this Agreement with Alipay and agreed to accept all the provisions hereof by clicking on the Confirm button on relevant pages or by accepting this Agreement in other ways recognized by us. This Agreement is made both in English and Chinese. In case of any inconsistency or discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
I. Definitions
1.1 银行卡:指由威士国际组织(VISA International)、万事达卡国际组织(MasterCard International)等境外国际卡组织(以下简称“国际卡组织”)发行的银行卡。具体适用本服务银行卡的国际卡组织范围以页面提示为准。
1.1 Bank Card: means a bank card issued by VISA International, MasterCard International or other offshore international card organizations (hereinafter referred to as the “International Card Organizations”). The specific International Card Organizations that issue Bank Cards applicable to the service hereunder shall be subject to page prompts.
1.2 用户:即本协议中的您。使用本服务,您需为香港、澳门特别行政区、台湾地区居民,或持有非中国籍护照。
1.2 User: means you in the Agreement. In order to use this service, you shall be a resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or the Macao Special Administrative Region or Taiwan, or hold a non-Chinese passport.
2. 服务内容
2. Service Content
2.1 您使用本服务,需根据页面提示提交或确认使用服务所必要的信息(例如:您本人的姓名、银行卡号、卡号有效期、安全码、账单地址,具体信息字段以页面提示为准,以下简称 服务开通信息 )。您提交或确认的信息需提交至相应的国际卡组织进行验证,验证通过后,将为您开通服务。同时基于服务提供所需,您首次使用银行卡支付之前,还需根据页面提示提交您的护照或港澳台来往内地(大陆)通行证件等信息。
2.1  To use this service, you shall submit or confirm necessary information for using the service as prompted on relevant pages (for example, your name, Bank Card number and its valid term, card security code, or billing address, with the specific information fields being subject to page prompts, with such information hereinafter referred to as the “Service Activation Information”). The information submitted or confirmed by you will be submitted to the relevant International Card Organizations for verification. We will activate the service for you upon successful verification of such information. Before paying with the Bank Card for the first time, you shall submit the information of your passport or Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan according to the page prompts.
2.2开通本服务及您提交的证件信息也核验通过后,您可以通过支付宝渠道使用验证通过的银行卡在符合我们要求的中华人民共和国境内(仅为本协议之目的,为避免疑义,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区及台湾地区)商户(以下简称“境内商户”)进行消费支付。为了提升您的服务体验,开通本服务后(即:您提供的信息通过验证后),原则上您无需重复提交服务开通信息。但是,为了保障您的账户及资金安全,您在消费支付时可能需要提供您的安全码用于安全验证,具体请见页面提示。 我们承诺,您提供的安全码仅用于服务开通或消费支付验证,我们不会存储您的安全码。国际卡组织将依据您通过本服务发出的交易指令及其业务规则为您提供服务。
2.2 After this service is activated and the ID information you submitted passes authentication, you may pay for your purchase from merchants within the People’s Republic of China (for the sole purpose of this Agreement and for the avoidance of any doubt, this does not include the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan) that comply with our requirements (hereinafter referred to as the “PRC Merchants”) by verified Bank Cards via Alipay. In order to improve your experience with the service, upon successful activation of this service (i.e. upon successful verification of the information provided by you), you are not required to provide the Service Activation Information again in principle. However, to safeguard the security of your account and your fund, you may be required to provide your security code for security verification purpose during your payment as prompted on relevant pages.  We undertake that the security code provided by you will be used solely for service activation or verification of payment, and that we will not store your security code. The relevant International Card Organizations will provide you with services based on your transaction instructions given through this service and their respective business rules.
2.3 When you are activating and using the service, we need to cooperate with duly qualified institutions (hereinafter referred to as the “Cooperating Institutions”) in order to provide you with secure, stable and speedy services. For this purpose, your Service Activation Information and transaction instructions need to be transmitted by the Cooperating Institutions to the corresponding International Card Organizations where the Cooperating Institutions and the corresponding International Card Organizations will provide you with services in accordance with their business rules. At the same time, the Cooperating Institutions and/or the corresponding International Card Organizations will give us real-time feedback on the status of your transaction so as to allow you to receive and check transaction notices promptly.
2.4 为了保障服务的稳定性与实时性,我们可能会通过国际专线进行信息传输,但是,我们不会在境外服务器上留存您的信息。
2.4 To ensure the stability and instantaneity of the service, we may transmit relevant information through International Private Leased Circuit, provided however that we will not store your information on foreign severs.
3. 服务费
3.Service Fee
We have the right to charge you reasonable transaction service fees based on business development and may adjust such service fees as required by business development. We will advise you expressly of the standards of transaction service fees (including such standards as adjusted). For specific transaction service fees, please refer to the fee announcements listed on the service page or the standard of fees specified otherwise.
4. 双方权利义务
4. Rights and Obligations of the Parties
4.1 您应确保本服务项下填写、提供的信息、资料合法、完整、准确、真实,如您填写信息有误、不真实、不完整导致服务不能开通或造成您其他损失的需由您自行承担。您需确保您提交的信息为您本人所有,您是使用本服务的银行卡持有人并且仅代表您自己使用本服务。为了维护持卡人的合法权益,防范诈骗、盗刷等安全风险,我们需要向境内或境外的第三方机构收集必要的风控指标信息以完成必要的安全风控核验。对于核验未通过的,我们有权不向您提供本服务或暂停、终止向您提供服务。如您使用本服务被其他人主张权利或侵犯其他人权利,您需依法承担相应责任,导致我们及相关权利人损失的,您还需依法承担赔偿责任。同时我们有权中止或终止向您提供服务。
4.1  You shall ensure that the information and data you provided or submitted hereunder is lawful, complete, accurate and true, and you shall be solely liable for the failure of the activation of the service or other losses caused to you due to any wrong, false or incomplete information provided by you. You shall ensure that the information you submitted is owned by yourself, that you are be the holder of the Bank Card used in the service, and that you are using the service solely on your own account. In order to protect the legal rights and interests of card holders and prevent fraud, unauthorized use or other security risks, we need to complete necessary risk control verification by collecting necessary information on risk control indicators from domestic or overseas third parties. If you fail to pass such verification, we have the right not to provide you with this service or suspend or terminate provision of the service to you. If you are subject to claims lodged by others or you infringe upon the rights of others in your use of this service, you shall assume the corresponding liability according to law and shall be legally liable to pay compensation for the losses caused to us and relevant right holders. At the same time, we shall have the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services to you.
4.2 为了向您提供本服务,我们及合作机构需遵守外汇管理、反洗钱等相关法律法规及监管要求进行信息收集(例如:要求您按照监管规定提供客户身份基本信息)和 / 或向相关监管部门进行信息申报、监管报告。如您提供的信息或您的交易行为不符合外汇管理、反洗钱等相关法律法规及监管要求的,我们有权要求您补全或更新相应信息,或暂停、中止、终止向您提供服务。
4.2  In order to provide this service to you, the Cooperating Institutions and we shall comply with applicable laws and regulations in relation to foreign exchange control and anti-money laundering and other regulatory requirements and collect relevant information (for example, requiring you to provide basic customer identity information in accordance with regulatory requirements) and/or report such information and compliance to relevant regulatory authorities. If the information you provided or your transaction behaviors fail to comply with applicable laws and regulations in relation to foreign exchange control and anti-money laundering and other regulatory requirements, we shall have the right to require you to complement or update the corresponding information or to suspend or terminate the services provided to you.
4.3  您使用本服务在境内商户进行消费支付时,您的银行卡本币款项将通过发卡行、国际卡组织、合作机构结算成人民币款项,以便支付境内商户。您的银行卡本币消费金额请以您发卡行账单为准。我们提醒您使用本服务如产生汇兑损失的,需由您自行承担。
4.3  When you use this service to pay for your purchase from the PRC Merchants, the amount of your Bank Card denominated in the local currency will be converted into RMB by the issuing bank, the International Card Organizations, and the Cooperating Institutions before being paid to such PRC Merchants. Please refer to your card issuer statement for the amount paid by your Bank Card denominated in the local currency. We remind you that the exchange loss (if any) arising from your use of this service shall be solely borne by you.
4.4 您应妥善保管您的银行卡、卡号、密码、支付宝账号、密码、来自于发卡行和 / 或支付宝向您发送的校验码等与银行卡或与支付宝账户有关的一切信息和设备。如您遗失或泄露前述信息和 / 或设备的,您应及时通知发卡行及 / 或支付宝,以减少可能发生的损失。但无论是否已经通知发卡行及 / 或支付宝,因您的原因所致损失需由您自行承担。
4.4  Please properly keep your Bank Card, card number and password, Alipay account and its password, the verification code sent by the card issuer and/or Alipay to you, and all information and devices in relation to the Bank Card or Alipay account. You shall promptly notify the card issuer and/or Alipay so as to mitigate any possible losses if you lost or divulged such information and/or devices, provided however that you shall be solely responsible for any losses caused by anything attributable to you no matter whether you have notified the card issuer and/or Alipay.
4.5  您认可和同意:您发出的交易指令不可撤回或撤销,并需对使用本服务过程中发出指令的真实性及有效性负责,我们根据您指令进行的操作将免予承担责任。
4.5 You acknowledge and agree that your transaction instructions shall be irrevocable or irreversible, and that you shall be responsible for the truthfulness and validity of any instructions given by you when using this service, and we shall be exempt from any liability for any operation based on your instructions.
4.6 您仅能使用本服务在境内商户消费支付,不能将本服务用于转账、理财、提现等非消费场景。如您违反前述规定导致相应损失的,需由您自行承担。
4.6 You can only use this service to pay for your purchase from the PRC Merchants and shall not use this service for the purpose of money transfer, wealth management, cash withdrawal or other non-consumption purposes. You shall be solely liable for any corresponding losses resulting from your violation of the foregoing.
4.7 您使用本服务,我们会根据业务情况设置相应消费支付限额并有权基于政策调整、业务变化对支付限额进行调整,具体以服务页面提示为准。您还需遵守银行卡发卡行的相关业务规则要求,如单笔支付最高金额和每日、每月累计支付最高金额限制等。如因您发卡行的付款限制或您发卡行其他业务规则要求,导致您无法使用本服务的,请您理解支付宝将免予承担责任。
4.7 When you use this service, we will set payment limits based on the situation of business and have the right to adjust such payment limits based on any policy adjustment and/or business change, with the details being subject to page prompts. In addition, you shall comply with relevant business rules of the Bank Card issuers, such as maximum single payment and caps for daily or monthly accumulative payment. Please understand that Alipay will not be liable if you are not able to use this service as a result of any payment limits or other requirements of business rules imposed by your card issuers.
4.8  支付宝重视对个人信息处理与保护,将遵循合法、正当、必要的原则,依照法律法规与《 支付宝隐私权政策 》的规定,严格保护您的信息。相应的国际卡组织将按照其官方网站发布的隐私权政策严格保护您的信息,您可参考: Visa Global Privacy Notice MasterCard - Global Privacy Notice
4.8 Alipay pays great attention to the handling and protection of personal information, and will strictly protect your information based on the principle of legality, justification and necessity and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and Alipay Privacy Policy. The relevant International Card Organizations will strictly protect your information in accordance their privacy policies as released on their respective official websites. Please refer to  Visa Global Privacy Notice MasterCard – Global Privacy Notice  for details.
5. 其他条款
5. Miscellaneous
5.1  因下列原因导致我们无法正常提供本协议项下的服务,使您无法使用或无法正常使用本服务时,我们将免予承担损害赔偿责任,该状况包括但不限于:
1 )因台风、地震、海啸、洪水、战争、雷电或恐怖袭击等不可抗力之因素,造成支付宝系统不能正常执行业务的;
2 )您的电脑软硬件和通信线路、供电线路出现故障的; 
3 )您操作不当或通过非支付宝授权或认可的方式使用服务的;
4 )因病毒、木马、恶意程序攻击、网络拥堵、通讯故障、电力故障、银行原因 、第三方服务瑕疵或政府行为等原因,造成服务中断或者延迟;
5 )合作机构中止或终止和我们开展合作的;
6 )其他不可归因于我们的原因。 
5.1  We will be exempt from liability for damages if, due to any of the following reasons, we are unable to provide the service hereunder normally and thus prevent you from using or normally using the service, and such reasons include but are not limited to:
(1) the Alipay system fails to carry out normal business due to typhoon, earthquake, tsunami, flood, war, lightning or terrorist attack, or any other Force Majeure factor;
(2) the hardware and software of your computer, the communication line and the power supply line malfunction;
(3) you operate improperly or use the service in a way that is not authorized or approved by Alipay;
(4) the service is interrupted or delayed due to virus, Trojan, malware attack, network congestion, communication failure, power failure, banking problem, third-party service defect or act of government;

(5) the Cooperating Institutions suspend or terminate their cooperation with us;
(6) other reasons not attributable to us.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we will take reasonable actions to actively procure that the service be restored to normal.
5.2为了进一步改善用户体验,我们将会持续开发新服务,为您提供版本升级、功能升级等服务和内容更新,这些更新将会持续同步在本协议当中。 如我们对本协议进行变更,将通过官方网站公告或客户端消息等方式予以通知,该等变更自通知载明的生效时间开始生效。如您不同意修改后的协议内容,您有权停止使用相关服务;协商一致的,也可另行变更协议内容。
5.2 In order to further improve the user experience, we will continue to develop new services, and provide you with version upgrades, function upgrades and other updates of services and contents, which will continue to be updated in this Agreement.  If we make any change to this Agreement, we will notify you through official website announcement or client message or otherwise. Such change will take effect from the effective time specified in the notice. If you do not agree with the modified agreement, you have the right to stop using the relevant services; the content of this Agreement may be modified separately through mutual consultation.
5.3本协议的成立、生效、履行和解释,均适用中华人民共和国法律(仅为本协议之目的,为避免疑义,不包括香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区及台湾地区法律)。 各方在履行本协议的过程中,如发生争议,应协商解决。协商不成的,任何一方均可向被告住所地有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
5.3 The formation, effectiveness, performance and interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (for the sole purpose of this Agreement and for the avoidance of any doubt, this does not include the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan).  Any dispute between the parties arising out of the performance of this Agreement shall be  resolved through negotiation, failing which, either Party may bring a lawsuit before a court of competent jurisdiction in the place where the defendant is domiciled.
5.4本协议属于《 支付宝服务协议》不可分割的一部分。本协议与《支付宝服务协议》约定不一致的,以本协议为准;本协议未约定事宜,均以支付宝不时公布的《支付宝服务协议》及相关配套规则为补充。
5.4 This Agreement shall become an integral part of the Alipay Service Agreement. In case of any discrepancy between this Agreement and the Alipay Service Agreement, this Agreement shall prevail. The Alipay Service Agreement and relevant ancillary rules as announced by Alipay from time to time shall supplement this Agreement with respect to any matters not provided herein.